ΒΆ BackgroundVaris Stormwind is a Paladin from the Kingdom of Green. He was the first-born child of King Shawn Stormwind and Queen Alexandra Stormwind and lived an easy life of nobility, much excited to take the throne. As he grew older, however, he began to notice the impact of his family on the kingdom. Although the royal family only consisted of a dozen people, the palace employed 20% of the kingdom's population and hoarded 95% of its wealth. The other 80% was completely unknown to Varis. At age 12, Varis snuck away in the night to explore the village life. He met a wide range of folks, but the humble farmer impressed him the most. Upon returning home, he begged his parents to lower taxes on farmers so that they might live a better life. Appalled at the suggestion, his parents increased the farmer tax and ordered all livestock to be slaughtered for a one-time mega-festival in Varis' honor. The next day, Varis escaped the Kingdom of Green and swore an Oath of Devotion to dedicate the rest of his life to fighting against royalty causing the commonfolks to suffer. |